Monday, November 14, 2011

Common Dancers Injury's

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Common dancers injurys

Mmmm While I don't blog much . When I do, the subject is very important to me to relate.
In toetap many of the common dance injury's are the same as in tap and in pointe . Now with that said , One of my biggest pet peeves is not eating correctly. With out strong bones toetap or pointe/tap is a dancers worst nightmare. So, before I get into theses few injury's . I must stress get a proper diet, warm up before class and, proper stretching before the main dance class begins.
Ok lets get into it then:
The first I want to talk about is .
Dancer's Fracture:
The most common complaint is "I landed badly and now it hurts to walk"
The most common fracture is along the 5th metatarsal. This is the long bone on the outside of the foot .Since my taps can be used in both tapping en point and flat tapping This is a possible injury that might happen . Since a ballet dancer can get this ,while landing from a jump in a inverted(turned in )foot

If this occurs the dancer may or may not be able to walk. He or she will fell immediate pain and swelling.

Treatment: First lets be real most dancers will say they don't feel pain ...bulls**t. They just ignore it! ok.. The treatment typically consists of ice, elevation,and limiting weight bearing activities. THAT MEANS NO DANCING!!!!
Consulting with a doctor to confirm a fracture and how bad. Is necessary! Sorry, not giving you a choice.
A dancer's fracture WILL require a period of immobilization. While the injury heals. Yes more than a day! I know cry me a river..... Please let the body heal properly before doing any dancing!
Rehabilitation should follow to rebuild the foot and ankle . I prefer with a dance physiotherapist
or a sports and dance rehab.

Next one I want to talk about is


What is a Sesamoid bone? Good question.. The Sesamoiditis bone are unique in that they are not connected to any other bones in the body. They are about the size of a kernel of corn. They are two bones on the underside of the foot near the big toe. There function is to provide a smooth surface over which the tendons controlling the big toe are located.
If injuried the dancer will feel it while walking bear footed.
Cause: The sesamoids provide a support surface while the dancer is on demi-pointe.
The tendon that runs between the sesamoids can become inflamed,causing sesamoiditis,a form of tendinitis. The area of pain will be under the big toe on the ball of the foot.

The dancer may be required to REST! ....and to take time off from rehearsals .While the pain and inflammation from this decreases.
Consult with a doctor to rule out a Sesamoid fracture
Go to a physical therapist or athletic trainer to ID and correct muscle imbalances.Also, to assist with acute symptom relief.
The use of a J-shaped pad around the area to relive pressure may help
Taping the big toe slightly downward(platarflexed) also,may help.
It may take up to seven months to completely heal from this type of injury .
Surgical Intervention:
To remove theses two bone should only be considered after all conservative avenues have been exhausted.

The next on is a pretty big one so it will be my last one for now .

This one can be gotten by dancers ,also, can be gotten by people who start to dance latter on in life .
Most common complaint is " I have pain with a full releve"
Hallux Rigidus (or Limitus):
This condition is known by pain or restriction of movement at the joint of the big toe.

When a person wants to achieve a full demi-pointe . The metatarsal phalangeal joint must be able to make a 90 degree angle.
A person who want to be or a dancer who start late in life may lack this much mobility.
A person or dancer with out metatarsal phalangeal mobility,that forces the foot to go to a full 90 demi-pointe. Will cause the bones (in the joint) to impinge on each other . If this is done repeatedly (over time ) bone spures will develop .Which will lead to further lack of joint mobility,inflammation and eventual degeneration of the joint.

lack of full mobility which includes Sickling. This position sickling in a half demi-pointe decrease the impingement.But, is not an esthetically acceptable line . It also, puts the dancer at risk for a ankle sprain.
The only acceptable and safe compensation for this condition is a half demi-pointe position. The dancer must learn to rise onto the ball of the foot without forcing his or her foot into a full demi-pointe.

During the more acute times , rest and ICE are very helpful way to reduce the pain and inflammation.
Ice massage the injury for five minutes
Stretching the foot....can be done only to improve flexibility
Two condition to this are
one the stretch is done only in your pain free range
two it is done in a non weight bearing position
Take your leg and cross it over the other while your sitting on a chair. Hold your foot with one hand at your heel and the other holding your toe . then bring them up into a demi-pointe position ( your pain free range) Hold for 30 seconds release

This is also meant to have the dancer assess the available pain free range of the joint. So, that the dancer is able to learn to work within that range.
Taping the big toe
So it can not go into full demi-pointe is helpful
Also, taping the big toe so that it is slightly downward (plantarflexed)
for mobilization of the metatarsal phalangeal joint by an experienced physician is also,quite effective.

Definitions: Plantarflexed... simply means one of the bones ( in this case the big toe)is lower than the other four

Personal comment:
Since I was told I was a diabetic. I have seen all my foot problems ..from verifying a good pulse to Bad athlete's foot problems by a very experienced Podiatrist (foot doctor) . In all problems dealing with the foot or ankle. I would gladly tell any dancer to do the same!

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